Monday, November 17, 2014

Let's Talk About Books Baby!


Books Bought:
The Shining by Stephen King
Between Two Worlds: by Zainab Salbi
Freedom from Fear: by Aung San Suu Kyi
Songs of Blood and Sword: by Fatima Bhutto
A Kitchen in France: A Year of Cooking in my Farmhouse by Mimi Thorisson

Books Read:
Dark Places by Gillian Flynn
The Red Queen by Philippa Gregory
Giving by Bill Clinton
The Shining by Stephen King

First off, let's just get The Shining out of the way since this is so far out of range from my usual taste.  Some friends came to town for a wedding in Estes Park, I kind of shuffled them around so they let me stay with them in the cabin they rented.  I had a lot of down time by myself so when I dropped them off at The Stanley Hotel for a rehearsal dinner I decided to walk around the property a bit since I've never done that before.  I found myself in the gift shop and so I thought, "why not?  It's October, it's chilly out, I'm in the mountains, and I may as well go back to the cabin and spook myself out!"  So, I cozied up on the sofa and got to reading, it wasn't really that scary, but just knowing it was going to get scary was what scared me the most!  When my phone buzzed I nearly had a heart attack!  It was my friends needing me to come back down the road and pick them up at The Stanley.  It was so scary outside, driving on the winding mountain roads, waiting for my heat to kick in and defrost the window from my breathing, not knowing the bends in the road and wondering what could be just around every corner.... so I pick them up, we headed back to the cabin and built a fire.  I realized I left my sleeping bag out in the car and when I went out to get it I stepped weirdly on a rock and I fell- twisting my ankle in the process!  Once I hobbled back inside and got an ice pack on my foot, the coziness just overflowed, I felt like I was in a cozy trance!  I felt so at peace.  I could just imagine a future of not having to take care of everything and myself all the time, a future in which you fall down but you have a person to sit by the fire with and who hoists your ankle up and makes sure you have fresh ice on it.  I want to pass the time with another quiet soul, someone who can stop and listen to the fire popping, and read a book.  Someone who can build a fire, and navigate snowy mountain roads.  Of course when I talk to my sister about these dreams, she just tells me I could learn how to build a fire myself.  She has a point.  But sometimes, just sometimes, I want to be taken care of; it would be nice to know that there is a man that cares when you fall.  Anyways... I digress, back to books.

Turns out that the suspicions I've always held turned out to be spot on... Stephen King, not for me!

I want to talk about Mimi Thorisson for a moment!  Her cookbook is insanely gorgeous!  Just like her instagram and blog!   Instagram had suggested I follow her, and I adore her account!  She has the best life, and I truly believe that one of my best dreams ever was inspired by her life.  Mimi lives in a tiny village in France and spends her days buying the freshest ingredients and making the most amazing meals to share with her family & friends!  Her life is amazing, her book is gorgeous!  This would be a fantastic holiday gift for any of your francophile or foodie friends!

To read more about Mimi, and experience the wonderfulness that is her blog, click here: 

Now, as to the other three books that I bought this month I can tell you that they have a theme and are inspired by books I've read recently.  In Hillary Clinton's new book she talks extensively about Myanmar and Aung San Suu Kyi, which piqued my interest.  And, I'm currently reading Benazir Bhutto's book that came out right after her assassination which made me think that soon I would like to read one of her niece's writings.   And finally, this month I finished Giving by Bill Clinton and in it he mentions a women's organization called Women for Women International which I had heard about previously when Angelina Jolie's movie In the Land of Blood and Honey came out.  This organization is all about helping women in areas of conflict.  Sometimes I get this deep feeling that I'm supposed to be doing something political and geared towards the aid of women in humanitarian crises and this stuff always pulls me in.  For now, I would like to read more and then hopefully see where I feel comfortable volunteering or even just learn how I could volunteer. 

As for books read, I read my first book by Gillian Flynn (and no, it's not Gone Girl but I will hopefully be reading this one soon)!  It's not that I think she is extremely talented linguistically per se, but she is entertaining (somewhat in the nature or ballpark of a Dan Brown novel); it grips you right from the get go and you keep telling yourself, "just one more chapter"!  Plus, it was another good, "scary" read for October.

And, in an insane attempt to catch up with Philippa Gregory's Cousins' War series I've read my second book of hers this year.  I hope, fingers crossed, that I will be able to read the third before it's due back at the library.  I have come to terms with the fact that despite all my best efforts this woman will remain as my most read author, seeing as how she comes out with a book (or two) every year, and I always want to read them!  Take it away, Philippa, climb the ladder past authors who deserve a better spotlight!!  It's fine, you can be my number 1!  *sigh*

That just about sums up October, here's hoping that I can post about November in a timely manner!  

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